Unleash your Unique Home Expression

Your home is a canvas waiting to be painted with your personality. Designing a space that reflects your individuality should be an exciting journey, not a daunting task. At Kathleen Reynolds Interiors, we embrace the challenge of turning your home into a unique expression of who you are.

We offer two key services designed to meet you where you are with your home design journey. Whether you are working on a construction project with a builder, or reimagining your existing spaces with a new look, we have a plan for you. 

Full-Service Interior Design

Embark on a seamless journey from vision to reality with our Full-Service Interior Design package. It's more than a service; it's a partnership. Our skilled designers guide you through personalized design plans, handle logistics, and oversee installations, ensuring your space becomes an unmistakable reflection of your personality.


Ready to transform your space with a renovation or new build? Our Construction package offers an organized, stress-free experience. Beyond our expert interior designers, we partner with skilled contractors to make your dream space a reality. Sit back and relax as we handle everything from design plans to final installations.